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Name | Born | Died | Location |
Albrecht, Theon Isabelle | 1927 | 2013 | Bonners Ferry, Idaho |
Allen, Steve | 1921 | 2000 | Los Angeles, California |
Campbell, Jayne Moseley Hazleton | 1937 | 2003 | Oklahoma City, Oklahoma |
Carver, George Washinton | 1860 | 1943 | Diamond Grove, Missouri |
Cash, J.R. ('Johnny') | 1932 | 2003 | Nashville, Tennessee |
Churchill, Sir Winston | 1874 | 1965 | Blenheim Palace, England |
Dean, James | 1931 | 1955 | Marion, Indiana |
Darwin, Charles Robert | 1809 | 1882 | Westminster Abbey, England |
Descartes, Rene | 1596 | 1650 | Stockholm, Sweden |
Edison, Thomas Alva | 1847 | 1931 | Glenmont, New Jersey |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo | 1803 | 1882 | Concord, Massachusetts |
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