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Name                         Born Died Location                        
Reagan, Ronald 1911 2004 Simi Vally, California
Roosevelt, Eleanor 1884 1962 Hyde Park, New York
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 1882 1945 Hyde Park, New York
Roosevelt, Theodore 1858 1919 Oyster Bay, New York
Shakespeare, William 1550? 1564? 1604? 1616? Stratford, England
Stelmah, Joseph Lawrence (Larry) 1942 2005 Oro Valley, Arizona
Tesla, Nicola 1856 1943 New York City. New York
Thoreau, Henry David 1817 1862 Concord, Massachusetts
Wallace, George 1919 1998 Montgomery, Alabama
Washington, George 1732 1799 Mt. Vernon, Virginia
Wayne, John 1907 1979 Corona Del Mar, California

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